<aside> ✨ Welcome to the Toggl Handbook!

This handbook is your gateway to understanding Toggl - a comprehensive, open-source collection that lays bare who we are, the values we stand by, and the strategies we adopt to reach our goals. Designed with both our team and the curious eyes of the outside world in mind, it offers a transparent glimpse into the heart of our operations and the principles that guide us.

Not a Toggler (yet)? Take a closer look at what sets Toggl apart. Whether you're considering joining our team, partnering with us, or simply interested in our approach to work! Discover more at https://toggl.com/.

📣 This page is public. Please do not add any confidential information. 📣 For external visitors, some sections will appear blank/shorter as access is restricted to employees.


Welcome aboard!

About Toggl

Our Values

The Toggl Story

How We Work

RAFT (Results and Accountability First at Toggl)

Remote Work Tips

Meetup & Travel Hub

Temperature Checks

Sunshining Failures

Referral Program

Internal Communication

How We Communicate Internally

How We Use Slack

How We Do Meetings

How We Post in the #team-updates

Performance & Growth

Performance (Achievement) Culture

Career Advancement

Learning and Growth


Our Tools

Money & Benefits

Compensation & Expenses


Vacation & Paid Leaves