<aside> ℹ️ The purpose of the #team-updates channel is to keep the whole company in the loop with things your team is working on.

It helps Togglers know what crucial things each team is working on in order to reach company-wide priorities.



Your audience is the whole company - Togglers from all different teams and departments.

Whenever you write an update for the #team-updates channel, remember who you are writing it for. It is not only for your teammates or people working closely with you daily. It is also not only for your manager or manager of your manager. While these people are also your target audience, you should remember that you are writing it for the whole company.

It is important to remember this because not everyone has the same context on things your team is working on, therefore you should put extra effort into providing the context so everyone understands how things you are working on contribute to the company-wide goals.


Share only info on crucial things that contribute to company-wide goals.

Updates in this channel are not a place to show how productive your teams are. It is not any kind of competition and you don’t have to share every single to-do item from your team’s to-do list. You don’t have to include BAU. Also, remember that posting a long list of things without context usually means nothing to most of the people who will most likely skip your update if they find it overloaded with granulated information.

Instead, focus on the crucial things. Here is the list of questions to help you with what information to include:


Let’s stick with the 😘 KISS - keep it short and simple