<aside> 👉 At Toggl, we value results over the hours worked. This is why we work by the principles of RAFT (Results and Accountability First at Toggl).


What is RAFT?

Results and Accountability First is a way of working in which results matter much more than the hours worked. At Toggl, we already have the freedom to work where and when we want. With RAFT, we are getting additional freedom to work how much we want.


A thriving workforce has 3 main needs - competence (the mastery of one's job), relatedness (feeling part of a team with a singular mission) and autonomy (being trusted to freedom to find your own way of working without monitoring or surveilling your actual work). We want to give trust, freedom and ownership to all of our teams and believe that RAFT will allow you to have the highest possible level of autonomy to find the best way to work.

How much should we work then?

RAFT means that you only need to work as much as needed to deliver good results. The intention is for people to work under 40 hours per week - work smarter, not longer. The purpose is NOT to make people work overtime to deliver crazy results.

Why is RAFT better than a 4-day workweek?

We believe RAFT is a far superior alternative to a 4-day workweek. The 4-day workweek is a "one size fits all" solution that doesn't take individuality into account and doesn't offer freedom over your own time. RAFT would still allow you to work for 32 hours if you wanted to. It would also let you take a day off (given that you are available for the team if needed for your role).

Does this mean I can take time off whenever I want for as long as I want?

Well, yes and no. An important part of RAFT is that freedom comes with responsibility. You need to make sure you're not affecting your team negatively. No one should be stuck with their work because they are waiting for your input.

How do I do it?

We believe everyone should find the best way to benefit from RAFT by themselves. We want maximal freedom for our team to adapt this working style to their routines and the way they work. Here are some quick tips on how to Start RAFTing!


<aside> 👉🏻 Want to know more about RAFT experience of other Togglers? Watch the RAFT webinar here. Jamboard used in the webinar available here.

NB! RAFT was called ROWE (Results Oriented Work Environment) in the beginning of the initiative. We renamed it, but its principles remained the same.
