<aside> 👉🏼 Here is a bit of motivation for everyone to start RAFTing!


What do you mean by "start RAFTing"?

Start experimenting with the way you work and organize your working hours, so you find the best possible way to work.

How do I do it?

This is totally up to you! There are no rules on what you can or can not do! Want to take every Wednesday off? Work half day on Thursdays and on Fridays? Go ahead!

The only thing you need to make sure of is that your team is not slowed down because you are away and that you act in both your and Toggl's best interest.

We won't create an extensive rulebook with tons of examples of how to do it. We trust all of you to make the best possible decisions for yourselves and the company.

How do I know if and when I can take time off?

You need to take ownership of these decisions. No one else can make this decision for you. Not your team lead or People Ops or anyone else.

You know yourself the best. You know when you are most productive. You know when you are too tired to work and need to take a break.

You also know best how much others depend on you and when you should be around.

What if I fail and slow the team down?

We say you only need to make sure you don't slow down the team and the company. But what if you decide to take every Wednesday off and it turns out it was a horrible idea?

This is totally okay! We want you to experiment with the unknown and expect mistakes to happen! It's not the end of the world if at some point your judgment to take time off was off.

That being said, we trust you to learn from mistakes and don't repeat them. If you see being off every Wednesday slows team down, please make adjustments to your work plan until you find an option that works for both you and the whole Toggl!

Questions to help you decide

When you try to decide if and when to take time off, ask yourself: Do I act in Toggl's best interest? To give you some examples: Do I act in Toggl's best interest when I don't respond to a message in 24hs/ when I postpone a meeting because I want to take Thursday off/when I ...)?

You can also filter these questions down to:

Final tips