<aside> ✨ Temperature Checks are occasional meetings the People Ops team has with all Togglers to get to know how everyone's doing.

When working remotely and not seeing each other daily, it's important to make time for casual conversations with each other and make space for TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION and discussing topics we don't usually address in Slack.

Our People Ops team cares about the wellbeing of each Toggler and their door (well, Zoom) is always open for everyone who would like to chat.





Here are some topics that can be discussed in Temperature Check:

company culture - feedback culture - leadership culture - team COMMUNICATION - company policies - professional development - meetups - team building

These are just examples and you should not limit yourself to these. Feel free to come up with any topics you'd like to discuss - any issues you might be having, any roadblocks you need help overcoming, or any ideas on how to make Toggl even a better place to work at.