<aside> 👩‍⚕️ Under the Estonian Health and Safety Act, Toggl is required to implement measures that prevent health risks, adapt work to individual abilities, and promote overall well-being.

As a fully remote company, Toggl ensures that everyone has the proper work equipment by providing a home office budget and encouraging its use. We also support Togglers in setting up their workspaces to prevent accidents and promote health and well-being.

Toggl actively consults with Togglers on improving the working environment, organizing training and health services, and selecting new technology and work equipment.



Employees are required to:

<aside> 💉 It is prohibited for a Toggler to work while under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or toxic or psychotropic substances.


⛑️ Health & Safety Instructions

These Health & Safety Instructions pay special attention to the impact of remote work on your eyesight, posture, and overall mental well-being, especially considering the challenges of working in isolation.

Each Toggler working remotely is obliged to maintain safe and hygienic conditions for work by ensuring the following:

<aside> 🫂 At Toggl, we know that remote work can have its challenges, especially when it comes to staying connected and feeling good mentally. That's why we put a lot of effort into supporting our team's well-being. We focus on helping Togglers build and maintain strong relationships through regular meetups and ongoing health challenges, ensuring everyone stays socially connected and healthy.
