<aside> 🦁 **As a leader at Toggl, your main responsibility is to take extreme ownership of your team's impactful and reliable output while always keeping Toggl’s best interests in mind. This involves managing people, work, stakeholders, and yourself in accordance with Our Values. The biggest measure of your success as a leader is the success and output of your team.

To ensure that you are able to effectively carry out your responsibilities, it is important that you have a clear understanding of what is expected of you. This includes not only your specific duties but also the skills and knowledge that are required to perform them.**


Extreme Ownership at Toggl

Credit: Reforge.com

Credit: Reforge.com

Leadership is the single greatest factor in any team’s performance. Whether a team succeeds or fails depends on the leader. Good leaders don’t make excuses. Instead, they figure out a way to succeed. We believe a true leader takes 100% ownership of everything in their domain, including the team’s output and everything that affects it.

Now, we didn't come up with this concept by ourselves. It comes from the Extreme Ownership book written by former US Navy SEAL officers turned highly successful leadership coaches. Please get a copy of the book and read it 🙏🏻 You can also listen to an Audible version or check the summary on Blinkist.

Below you can find the four main aspects of which you need to take extreme ownership: work, people, stakeholders, and yourself. Each aspect is listed along with the behaviours/results we expect together with knowledge, hard skills and soft skills that can help you achieve it.

Managing Work