<aside> 🆘 Life can present unexpected situations that require your immediate attention. Instead of using your vacation days during such instances, you are allowed to take time off without any repercussions. You won’t be required to make up for the missed work, and your salary will remain unaffected. We TRUST you to exercise this option responsibly and only when genuinely necessary.


We totally get that life happens, and sometimes it can throw you a curveball. Whether it's dealing with a family emergency, taking care of a loved one or handling other important stuff, we've got your back. We care about our team's well-being, and that's why we offer the option to take a leave of absence if you need it. Just let us know what's going on, and we'll work together to figure out the best solution.

Approval for this leave is granted through a collaborative process involving both your team lead and the Head of the Department. The duration of this leave is not predetermined, as each situation is unique and requires a case-by-case assessment to ensure that our team members receive the support and flexibility they need during challenging times.

<aside> ℹ️ In case you need to take this kind of time off, please talk to your TL and HoD about it. After the approval submit a “Unexpected Time-Off” time off request in Bamboo.
