By adding URL parameters after, you can build Start Links that start a Toggl Track timer with specific details.

<aside> 💡 The link will only work if you load it in a web browser where you’re already logged into your Toggl Track account. Whoever uses the start link should also have access to the project specified.


In this guide

How to build Start Links

To build a link, use the following format:[[workspace id]]&tags=[[comma-seperated list of tags]]&desc=[[description]]&billable=[[true or flase]]&pid=[[project id]]&tid=[[time entry id]]

By replacing the text blocks enclosed by [[ and ]] (including the brackets themselves), you specify the new timer’s details:

Replace this… …with
[[workspace id]] Your workspace ID
[[comma-separated list of tags]] Each tag you want to assign to the timer, separated by a comma without spaces
[[true or false]] The word true or false
[[project id]] The ID of the project for the new timer
[[time entry id]] The ID of the time entry you want to copy

Example Start Links

All parameters are optional. An example “complete” Start Link would look like this:

This creates a new timer with the description What have I done??, assigned to the project with the ID 155694026, the tags support, toggl, and voodoo, and billable set to false.

<aside> 💡 (In the above example, each comma has been url-encoded into %2C, each space as +, and each question mark as %3F. This helps the link load with the correct information on web browsers. Many programming languages include built-in utilities that URL encode text, like Javascript’s encodeURI().


However, something shorter also works: