First of all, who are ‘+1s’? +1s can be anyone really important to you, e.g., your significant other, family members (yes, plural!), your sibling(s) or best friend, but also a furry friend.

While traveling for Toggl (this can be a team or company meetup or any other required business trip), +1s are welcome. Just bear in mind that even though we want you to enjoy these trips, it's still a work trip. This means all official events and activities have the purpose of building stronger relationships with your team/fellow Togglers and are designed to work, discuss and be productive within your team. For these reasons, spending time with your +1 will need to happen outside these official activities/meetings and during unofficial activities (usually organized by team members). For more details, please check your meetup schedule so you can plan adequately for you and your +1.

Want to bring a +1 along on a meetup? Here are the guidelines in a nutshell:

👉 See also: ‣