<aside> 🚗 What now, a CDP? What’s that? See it as a roadmap through your professional development in the coming 10-36 months: Defining priorities, creating timelines, and setting milestones on the way to your development goal. A “Now, Next, Later” for YOU! Why? “If you talk about it, it’s a dream. If you envision it, it’s possible. But if you schedule it, it’s a plan.” Thanks, Tony Robbins, for giving us the TL;DR for the CDPs: We created them to make your next steps in your career development tangible to get you where you want at Toggl. So if you have big ideas on how you and Toggl can grow together, go ahead and start laying out your CDP.


<aside> 😲 \P.S. These Career Development Plans are meant as a self-service tool, so you’re not depending a lot on others while planning YOUR professional development. Still, the success of this CDP relies on YOU. How thorough you’ll make the Discovery. How precise and realistic your Plan is and if you got your Time Frames right. Not to forget about the Check-ins to get support and opinions while learning.


‼️ Make a copy of this page to answer the questions and fill in/change the Career Plan.

Do I need a Career Development Plan?

The 4 Phases

Phase 1: Discovery Phase 2: Make a plan Phase 3: Time for action Phase 4: Check-ins

Phase 1 - Discovery (remains private)

These questions are just for you; no need to share them with anyone. However, once you've finished your discovery and are set on what you want to learn and why you want to learn it, it's time to sit down with your Lead to discuss your ideas to then create a plan.

Action steps:

  1. Make a discovery
  2. Schedule a meeting with your Lead
  3. Have a chat about your ideas and plan with your Lead (to get them on board, have them support you and hold you accountable)
  4. After that chat, iterate your plans if new info surfaces, then go to Phase 2